luni, 23 aprilie 2012

Chelsea Handler: “Opusul unei fete? Probabil Angelina Jolie”

Intr-un interviu recent pentru revista Americana “More”, Chelsea Handler a raspuns ca, in opinia ei, opusul unei fete este Angelina Jolie. Si nu s-a oprit doar la atat. Citeste mai jos pentru a afla ce a mai avut de spus. 

Nu mai e niciun secret ca celebra moderatoare a emisiunii “Chelsea Lately”, Chelsea Handler, nu se numara printre fanii hipnoticei Angelina Jolie. Si este de inteles, avand in vedere prietenia ei stransa cu fosta sotie a lui Brad Pitt, Jennifer Aniston.  In ultimii ani, Handler nu a avut tocmai cuvinte de lauda pentru femeia care a stricat unul dintre cele mai frumoase cupluri de la Hollywood.  

Punctul culminant a avut loc in 2010 cand, in timpul show-ului, tinut in Newark, New Jersey, Chelsea a  numit-o pe Jolie “o p**da nenorocita” (varianta originala: “a f**king c**t”). “Da interviuri si spune ‘Eu nu prea am prietene femei”. Fiindca esti o p**da nenorocita si o c**va nenorocita”, a spus Handler, fara menajamente.

In interviul din ultimul numar al revistei “More”, putem doar spera ca blonda si acida comedianta isi va exprima sentimentele fata de Jolie intr-o maniera mai gentila, acum ca in sfarsit, ea si Brad fac planuri de nunta. Ei bine…am sperat gresit! Intrebata care este opusul unei fete in opinia ei, Handler raspunde: “Probabil Angelina Jolie.” Si nu, raspunsul nu a fost spontan, pentru ca a fost urmat si de o explicatie: “Ca femeie, cand vezi o alta femeie, iti dai seama imediat daca poti avea incredere in ea. Cu [Angelina] nu ma vad prietena.” Trebuie sa admitem ca, desi dur, raspunsul a fost mai politicos decat “incercarile” anterioare…

Chelsea Handler si Jennifer Aniston s-au imprietenit in 2010, cand actrita a fost invitata in studio-ul prezentatoarei TV.  In acel an, cele doua si-au petrecut Ziua Recunostintei impreuna in Mexic, devenind in scurt timp, cele mai bune prietene.

vineri, 20 aprilie 2012

“Battleship”, un film care merita vazut DOAR la cinema

Tatal meu are o vorba despre filmele proaste: “Astept sa apara la 1 dolar”. E felul lui de a spune ca mai bine le inchiriza de la Netflix pe maruntis decat sa plateasca de vreo 7 pana la 15 ori mai mult pe ele pentru a le vedea pe un ecran  cu diagonal masurata in zeci de metri.

Ei bine, eu ma ghidez dupa un alt principiu: filmele care merita vazute la cinema sunt cele a caror actiune naste in tine alte procese psihice  decat daca le-ai vedea acasa, la TV.  “Battleship” este unul dintre filmele pe care vrei sa le vezi pe un ecran cat casa. 

In principiu, este un film de baieti. Personajul principal este un cliseu al eroului American, care desi are o inteligenta peste medie, se comporta ca un adolescent care nu a trecut de complexul rebeliunii pubertare.  Ca linia cliseelor sa nu fie intrerupta, prietena lui este coborata, parca, de pe catwalk-ul de la show-urile Victoria’s Secret si asta pare sa fie singura ei calitate. Sigur, creatorii filmului au incercat sa motiveze prezenta ei felina prin unele scene, dandu-i un job cu care este mai mutl decat evident ca nu ar putea avea ceva un comun: fizioterapeut. 

Asadar, avem golanul increzut si blonda aferenta.  Avem si nave spatiale care scot zgomote asurzitoare si luminite peste tot, care trag cu bombe ultrainteligente si care sunt controlate de niste finite superioare care, totusi, par sa aiba o slabiciune. Nu, nu blonda perfecta, caci la ea s-ar putea uita dar la soare… 

Baiat sau nu, exista cateva momente cand vrei sa sari din confrotabilul scaun din sala de cinema si sa strigi: “Da! Asaaa! Rupe-i!”  Echipa cu care tii e optiunea proprie.

Un detaliu picant: Rihanna joaca in film si face o treaba foarte buna cu arma in mana. 

joi, 15 martie 2012

Russell Brand fined $700 after “attacking” an iPhone

While in New Orleans, actor Russell Brand has been fined $700 after “attacking” the iPhone of a photographer.  According to the police declaration on Thursday, the “Get Him to the Greek” star grabbed the man’s phone and tossed it through a window, Reuters reports. 

British actor Russell Brand can have quite a temper. Sometimes that’s what builds up his eccentric image, other times…he ends up in court. This time, he got mad at a paparazzo and, instead of grabbing him by the neck he took it out on his iPhone. So he threw the device through a window.  New Orleans police spokesman Officer Garry Flot told the press that Brand is suspected of “simple criminal damage” and has to pay a fine of $ 700 for the “good deed”. 

More details on the incident were reported by TMZ, who photographed Brand pulling a phone off a man’s hand in a car and then photos of a broken window, the one that the iPhone reportedly went through. 

Russell Brand could not be reached for comment and it is yet unknown whether he is still in New Orleans. Either way, he will have to show-up in court in the near future.

marți, 13 martie 2012

“Stupid” Kim Kardashian vs. “careless” Jon Hamm

In case you got the chance of reading the latest issue of Elle UK, you might have noticed that Jon Hamm does not think highly of reality stars. The actor indirectly called Kim Kardashian “stupid” and “idiot”. She replied to him on Twitter calling him “careless”. Too bad he does not have a Twitter (or a Facebook) account.

“Mad Men” star Jon Hammond, who plays Din Draper in the series, wanted to express his true emotions and thoughts regarding the rise of the reality stars.  Like other actors who spent countless hours working on being in the limelight, perfecting their skills and knowledge on acting, he feels really irritated by the socialites like Paris Hilton and Kim Kardashian, who, in his opinion, are far from rightfully gaining the celebrity status. “Whether it’s Paris Hilton or Kim Kardashian or whoever, stupidity is certainly celebrated”, Hamm says, adding that “being a f*cking idiot is a valuable commodity in this culture because you’re rewarded significantly”. 

Hamm is not the pioneer in reality-star-slamming. A few months ago, in November 2011, James Bond star Daniel Craig (whom you could have seen at the beginning of this year in “The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo”) called the Kardashians “f*cking idiots”. He had told British GQ magazine: “You see [their show] and you think, 'What, you mean all I have to do is behave like a f*cking idiot on television and then you'll pay me millions?'"

After reading Hamm’s comments on her, Kim tweeted that she respected Jon and that she expects the same amount of respect from him, adding: “Calling someone who runs their own businesses, is a part of a successful TV show, produces, writes, designs, and creates, “stupid,” is in my opinion careless.” Her message was primarily for her followers, as Hamm does not have a Twitter account.

luni, 12 martie 2012

Coca-Cola and Pepsi, forced to change recipes. Will they taste the same?

Two of the most powerful brands in the world, Coca-Cola and Pepsi, are about to get a makeover. And no, we are not referring to rebranding or even changing the color of their logo. The changes go much deeper, to a recipe level. According to Discovery News, the scientists have discovered that a key-ingredient used in the two sodas if potentially cancerous. 

Recently, the state of California put 4-methyli-midazole ( 4-MEI) on the list of products that could lead to the deadliest disease of this century: cancer. According to the researchers, the ingredient is part of the recipe for good ol’ Pepsi and Coke, giving them the unique color. The maximum daily intake of 4-MEI should not exceed 29 micrograms, whereas a soda can contains 142 to 146 micrograms.

Pepsi and Cola-Cola have no choice now, but to change their original recipe.  If not, the companies will be forced to label their products as cancerous. Reps of the Coca-Cola company said that the changes will not affect the taste of the drink.

Creepy fake doctor uses cement in plastic surgery

In November 2011, the news about a fake doctor who performed creepy plastic surgery on clients using, among other illegal and unheard of fillers, cement, was busted.  The case of one of Mrs. Morris’ latest patients ended up in the ER. But if you think that was enough for him to stop, think again. Lately, another patient came forward, complaining about disastrous results following an implant. 

Oneal Ron Morris is a 30-year-old transgender who has a personal view on beauty and a quite different approach.  Even though not a licensed doctor, Morris presents herself as one, accepting patients for different types of plastic surgeries.  The problem is not only of legal matter but also of medical matter. Not only did Morris “operated” on people without a medical license, but the fillers used were unheard of before. Among them, cement, fix a flat inflator, super glue, mineral oil and sealant.

Morris first came to the attention of the large public last year in November, when one of the patients, a stripper who wanted to get a better-paid job, but was not willing to pay the price asked in a real medical facility, sued Morris for injecting cement into her buttocks, in May 2010. Just minutes after the filling, for which was paid 700 dollars, started giving the patient excruciating pain and hours later, her mother rushed her to the hospital in a critical state.  

After the news of the creepy cement implant surfaced, other victims of Morris started speaking. Among them there was transsexual Rajee Narinesingh, who asked for cheek implants and got a disfigured face instead. 

Morris was arrested, but denied all allegations, claiming she did not know any of the so-called victims. With the case development, it turned out she had an accomplice, a man who was playing her assistant. He also denies the accusations. 

The first two victims were invited on one of Dr. Phil’s December shows and the lawyer, also invited said that the more victims come forward, the more severe the charges and the sentence of Morris will be.

duminică, 11 martie 2012

Scientists may have found the God particle

According to the ABC News, scientists may have found the “God” particle. The Large Hadron Collider specialists are studying the recent findings related to Higgs boson, a particle that may be part of a field that gives mass matter. At the moments, its attributes are only suppositions. Future experiments will reveal if the particle is really able to materialize energy.

Here we were thinking that God may not be far from Santa Claus myth. As is may turn out, we may be able to see God before we get to see Santa in flesh and bones. At least, to some extent, this is what the science promises for the near future. The scientists operating the Large Hadron Collider are studying the particle called Higgs boson, which is part of the same field which that gives mass matter. They had organized a meeting in mid-January to discuss on the subject. 

Several laboratory tests have been started in order to see if the discovery is valid. If so, this would be a major breakthrough. According to the team of scientists involved in the project, the results of the experiments will be based on definitely more data that they discussed at the Summer conference, “sufficient to make significant progress in the search for the Higgs boson, but not enough to make any conclusive statement on the existence or non-existence of the Higgs”.

Higgs boson is an elementary particle that was theorized by several scientists, such as F. Englert, P. Higgs and C. R. Hagen, but was never discovered. It is often referred to in the media as “the God particle” after Len Lederman’s book called “The God Particle: If the Universe Is the Answer, What Is the Question?”