marți, 6 martie 2012

Parents vote worst kids trends: no Angry Birds, no Monster High

Parents have spoken!

Among the trends that kids need to say goodbye to this year, there are the Angry Birds clothes and accessories and the Monster High anything! And things do not stop here. Graphic T-shirts, bikinis for babies and other odd looking fashion options are about to be history. 

Here is the list of kids fashion trends that parents have voted out:

Angry Birds clothing and accessories. The game app could be famous but it is actually its popularity that got the parents fed up with the poofy angry-looking birds. They seem to be everywhere, so getting them off their children’s clothes seems like common sense.

Monster High-inspired looks. Monster High is a brand of dolls by Mattel which don’t look like the regular pretty blondes, who are the most popular in high school. On the contrary, they look like freaks and hide under skimpy clothes and heavy make-up. The Monster High-inspired fashion takes the kids from one extreme to another: from clean-cut shiny smiling Barbie to imperfect, weird-looking dark-sexy Barbie. The parents have noticed the same unreal fashion icon, which is unhealthy for their offspring to follow.

Baby bikinis. The fashion is moving aggressively towards sexualizing children. Even toddlers have bikinis these days. Far from being practical (a toddler still wearing a diaper could never wear a bikini), the sexy bathing suits look extremely weird on the babies’ chubby bodies. The same goes for padded bras for girls on elementary school. 

In conclusion, parents believe it’s not flattering for their kids to wear adult clothes, even if made in their size. Also, no sparkling make-up, no feathers in their hair and no graphic tees.

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